Halloween is a special time of year where you can dress up and become whoever you’d like. Whether it be a super hero, princess, or monster, colorful contact lenses can add to the dramatics of any persona. This blog discusses 3 basic types of color contact lenses.
As stated in the title the role of color enhancing contacts is to enhance the natural color of your eye. These contacts bring out the natural colors in your eye color to create a bolder look. These contact lenses rarely change your eye color. An example of color enhancing contacts are 1- Day Acuvue Define Lenses made by Johnson and Johnson. These daily disposal soft lenses come in color options natural sparkle, natural shimmer, natural shine, accent, and vivid.

1-Day Acuvue Define Lenses by Johnson & Johnson https://www.acuvue.com/contact-lenses/acuvue-define-1-day
Color changing contacts are the next step up from color enhancing lenses. These contacts have more color on the lens to actually alter the natural color of your eyes. The colored portion of the contact lens sits on top of the colored part of your eye. The combination of the contact lens color and your eye color create a unique new color. The goal of these contacts is to create a new color, but one that still looks natural. An example of color changing natural contact lenses are Air Optix Colors made by Alcon. These monthly soft disposal lenses come in color options pure hazel, blue, green, gray, brown, honey, brilliant blue, gemstone green, sterling gray, true sapphire, turquoise, and amethyst.

Air Optix Colors Technology by Alcon https://www.airoptix.com/colors/about.shtml
The goal of theatrical contact lenses is to change your eye color completely. The colored part of these contact lenses is more dense than that of color enhancing and natural color changing contacts. Instead of combining with your natural eye color, the colored portion of theatrical contact lens completely blocks the color of your eye underneath the contact. Theatrical contacts are often used by actors to complete their character transformation. An example of theatrical contact lenses are Gothika lenses made by Orion Vision Group. These planned replaced soft lenses come in a variety of styles including zombie, hulk, and white walker.

Gothika Custom Lenses by Orion Vision Group https://orionvisiongroup.com/theatrical/
Wearing contact lenses can be a fun way to change your eye color and enhance your look. Always remember that all contact lenses, no matter the type, are medical devices. All contact lenses must be fitted and prescribed by an eye doctor. Failure to properly be fit, clean, and disposal of contact lenses can lead to serious complications including blindness. Interested in trying one of the contact lens types mentioned above? Schedule an exam with Dr. Copeland today.